Digital Marketing Agency

Internet publishing allows the business owner to create a website for his or her business or books and publish it on a number of different sites.

Another benefit to online publishing is the opportunity to reach out to a much larger audience. Most entrepreneurs have a much wider readership because they publish material from all over the world. This is a benefit to anyone who is considering trying to start their own business through the internet.

Powerful Email Marketing

Send great-sounding emails so you can bond with your prospects

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High Converting Websites

Sales generating sites and landing pages that increase lead generation

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Author Building Ebook Creation

Tell your Story and build more awareness to create a buzz about your business

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Lead Generation

Lead generation has long been a key part of the online sales funnel for most B2B businesses as their sales pages may cost thousands of dollars to produce and less likely to be purchased directly by their target audience. As an effective way to generate traffic, lead generation must be done efficiently through the use of email marketing tools and other methods that work with the content of your website. This will create a more personalized experience for your potential customers and give you more opportunities to convert into sales.

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Web Presence

What is web presence? How we do it? The first part of having web presence is we need to understand what web presence is and what it does for us. It is our profile that is displayed to the search engines, and it's a way for people to know who we are. The second part of web presence is the information people get from it. It gives a reason to be interested in what we are offering and how people find us when they do a search on the internet.

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Local Marketing

Local marketing also called "neighborhood advertising" or "area marketing", is a successful marketing strategy that targets customers/clients within a certain geographic area with different marketing messages tailored to specific demographics within a certain locality. This type of marketing is very important for any small business considering their potential customers are located within a certain geographical area and not necessarily within the city/state they live in.

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Who We've Worked With

  • Livingston Plastic Surgery
  • Marc Whitehead and Associates
  • USAA
  • San Antonio Water System
  • Thiessan Law Firm
  • Kaplan Sinus Relief

Our Proprietary 5 Step Website Development System

We use our simple to follow 5 Step Website Creation Process developed in house by our Team of Online Specialists

Initial Evaluation and Questionnaire

We learn about your business and your digital marketing needs though a questionnaire and a short conversation

Content and Website Planning

We will develop a plan for your new website and create content for each page.

Branding and Design

Develop your digital branding and design your new website. We will create a unique design.

Development and Launch

Build out your website based on the design and content from the previous steps.

Maintenance and Updates

Ensure that your website is always working properly and adding fresh new content.

About Wildfire Marketing

We create and publish Online Marketing Assets in Digital Marketing. My Name is Elizabeth Rogers, and I am a Programmer in the Web Development space. Over the last 10 years, I have been helping Business Owners build their Websites using a savvy approach to the website creation process that few in the Web Development world have access to.

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A Case Against WordPress

Why you should consider moving your site off WordPress I've been using WordPress to build websites for over 10 years. Its always been a bit of a love/hate relationship. Most of the time I use WordPres
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